So now that I have given you lots of information on my new alter ego Queen Anne, it’s time I told you about my transformation from an ordinary everyday person to an exalted personage.
Back in the summer of 2009, I was invited to a meeting in Annapolis Royal to possibly help out with ideas and volunteer work on events that would be taking place in 2010 in Annapolis Royal, the Municipality of the County of Annapolis and in the area of the Annapolis River. As we have learned, 2010 marks 300 years since Sir Francis Nicholson and his men came up from Massachusetts, attacked Port Royal which was occupied by the French. The French leader, Daniel d'Auger de Subercase, surrendered the fort to Nicholson and the community was renamed Annapolis Royal after Queen Anne.
First our small group had to find various events that were going to help commemorate this big anniversary. Then the committee had to find funding to help make these events happen. And my persona had to be created along with a schedule of events at which I would make an appearance. Let's go straight to the money - the federal Heritage department gave about $60,000. towards the planned events (the article in The Spectator - our weekly newspaper - of the great announcement will apear in the next post).
And then, because this blog is about me, there's the costume for Queen Anne. Millie Hawes is a miracle worker when it comes to costuming. She lives in Granville Ferry which is just across the Annapolis River from Annapolis Royal and she has a treasure trove of materials and bits and bobs which she gathers up from local folks, second hand stores and everywhere else. Millie is making my costume and has arranged for a crown and is making me look like a regal person. I'm not allowed to tell you very much because Millie would like my very first appearance on January 1 at the Bishop's Levee at St. Luke's Anglican Church in Annapolis Royal to be a grand surprise. I can tell you that the Royal Jewels are pretty spectacular as well. They came from Sapphire and Sage, a woman in Ohio who makes replica costume jewellry.
I will also put up the list of appreances of Queen Anne next year in a future post.